Jumat, 23 September 2011

Tutorial Visual Basic 6.0

 Visual Basic 6.0 is prmrograman language that is widely used in the programming world. Tutorial on using Visual Basic 6.0 is also very much in number. On the internet you just search by keyword tutorial visual basic 6.0, it will be found many sites that discuss the use of Visual Basic 6.0. And in particular and complete you can find the official site to belong Microsoft.
          This blog will provide a brief tutorial with examples and tips and tricks pemrogrammnya. Topics will be divided into several groups:
A. Tutorials, which will discuss the controls that exist in Visual Basic 6.0
B. Example code, which will give you a simple picture of how to use vb (visual basic).
C. Tips and Tricks
A. tutorials

Text Box

  Visual Basic 6.0, the MaxLength property to determine the number of characters that can be put in TextBox Control. If you try to insert text into TextBox control, the text will be cut along specified by the MaxLength property.
          In Visual Basic 2008, the MaxLength property of behavior no longer applies to text that is added programming code. Same as the behavior of Visual Basic 6.0, you need to cut the strings themselves.
          In Visual Basic 6.0, PasswordChar property is of type String, in Visual Basic 2008 is of type Char.In addition, there are differences in concepts that apply to all control, including differences in the handling of data binding in Copntrol, such as fonts, operating drag-and-drop, and more.
          The following examples illustrate differences in coding techniques between Visual Basic 6.0 and Visual Basic 2008.For tutorial following code shows how to find the string in the TextBox control in the highlight.
Tutorial Visual Basic 6.0 : Text Box

'Visual Basic 6.0
Private Sub Form_Load ()
Text1.Text = "Two of the human peak experiences"
Text1.Text = Text1.Text & "are good food and classical music."
end Sub

Private Sub Form_Click ()
Dim Search, Where
'Get search string from user.
Search = InputBox ("Enter text to be found:")
'Find string in text.
Where = InStr (Text1.Text, Search)
If Where Then
Where Text1.SelStart = - 1
Text1.SelLength = Len (Search)
MsgBox "String not found."
end If
end Sub

Visual Basic 9.0 (Visual Basic 2008)

Versi ini merupakan versi terbaru yang dirilis oleh Microsoft pada tanggal 19 November 2007, bersamaan dengan dirilisnya Microsoft Visual C# 2008, Microsoft Visual C++ 2008, dan Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5.
Dalam versi ini, Microsoft menambahkan banyak fitur baru, termasuk di antaranya adalah:

Silabus Visual Basic / Visual Basic Net

1. Visual Basic